tisdag 10 maj 2016

How to avoid hemorrhoids

How to avoid hemorrhoids

Maintaining a healthy body

Hemorrhoids are structures around the anal passage which aid the passing of stool. They have strong connective muscles which play a big role in stool control and passage. They can also be described as tissues or piles in the anal canal which are inflamed ad are located either in the outer or inner part of the anal passage. Therefore they are of two types; external, which occur on the outside part, they are accompanied by pain, irritation and itching of the area around the hemorrhoid. They can be noticed by being waterly and by causing skin irritation. Internal; which occur on the inside of anal passage, many people may not be aware that they have internal hemorrhoid since they are not painful therefore may pass unnoticed. Hemorrhoid are caused by several factors which include; diet, what we eat is the most major thing when it comes to hemorrhoid, in most cases we eat the western food which, which has been processed and therefore has little or no fiber. This leads to constipation which strains the area around the anus.
It has been noted that hemorrhoid is more common in developed countries as compared to developing or less developed countries. But as this population change their diet to contain more processed food cases of hemorrhoid increases. Straining and the stle of the toilet also matters. The modern toilet encourages straining and as a result cases of hemorrhoid occurs. Many people also read when sitting on the toilet, this way they tend to strain and add unnecessary pressure on the anal tissues.

Pregnancy has also contributed to hemorrhoids

This is because the baby lies above the rectum and the anus therefore exerting pressure on this area. It leads to change in hormones which later causes these swellings. Aging also attributes to hemorrhoid, as we age our muscle becomes less supportive therefore; they may not perform the expected task. Hereditary factors may also lead to hemorrhoid; we may inherit this weakness of muscles from our parents or close blood related people. Symptoms of hemorrhoid include stains of blood on a toilet paper. This bleeding is limited and it can become more severe as more stool is passed. Feeling a lump in the anal area should also be an alarm that something is wrong. This can be hemorrhoid which gives one a feeling of having a bowel which is half emptied.

Prevention of hemorrhoids can be done through the following ways

By eating food rich in fibers, for example fresh vegetables, oatmeal, whole grains, this makes digestion easier and ensures the rectum is always cleaned. Drinking lots of water or juices after meals ensures that your stool will be soft and smooth as its evacuates. Set a regular time for taking your meals and avoid skipping meals since this can facilitate the occurrence of hemorrhoid. Set or have regular schedule for evacuating your bowels. It the urge to defecate stool occurs, go immediately don't postpone as this will make the stool harder and drier. Avoid sitting for long periods and also lifting heavy objects as this will lead to straining the muscles. Maintain a regular exercise program as this will contribute to good digestion process. Maintain a good anal hygiene and always wiping it unscented tissue which is a little dump to avoid small cuttings.

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